Calgary Headshots by Riverwood Photography

Photographers are a lot like Dentists

Calgary Realtor Lisa Baron

Do You Love to see your Dentist?

Sometimes I can really imagine what it must feel like to be a dentist. Sure they help a lot of people, but nobody likes to go to the dentist. Even though we all know that we’re probably going to look or feel better afterwards (assuming that we come out with sparkly white teeth afterwards), it’s just not something that we look forward to.

Well the number one comment I hear from my portrait clients as they walk in the door is that they HATE having their picture taken. Fortunately almost all of those people thank me for making the whole process so easy and relaxing after it’s all done. It’s my job to make you look great and I can’t do that unless I make you feel great too.

So when you come into my photography studio, please take a deep breath, relax, and try to enjoy the process. But if you can’t do that then you had better be prepared to listen to some really bad jokes during your headshot session!

Does the Headshot you’re using still look like you?

The portrait that you use on your website and social media account should look like you and convey the image you want to portray to the public when they “meet” you online. If you’re using a headshot picture from a few years ago or if you have changed your public image then it’s probably time for an update.

If you would like some advice on how to update your image then I can take a look at your website, twitter, and LinkedIn profiles and give you some suggestions on how to make that change. Please contact me if you would like to chat or to book your session.

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